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Windows Server Update Services

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) est un service permettant de distribuer les mises à jour pour Windows et d'autres applications Microsoft sur les différents ordinateurs fonctionnant sous Windows au sein d'un parc informatique. WSUS est un rôle pour serveur Windows lui permettant ainsi de devenir un serveur de mises à jour local (ou proxy de mises à jour). Ce serveur télécharge et stocke ponctuellement l'ensemble des mises à jour disponibles auprès des serveurs Windows Update de Microsoft et rend possible le contrôle de la diffusion de celles-ci dans le parc.

Outils autour de WSUS

Wsus Package Publisher permet de publier vos propres mises à jour sous forme de fichiers MSI, MSP ou EXE. Ainsi, vous pouvez déployer des applications telles qu'Adobe Reader, Java, Flash Player ou Symantec Endpoint Protection. Et les mettre à jour.

Vous pourrez importer des mises à jour à partir de catalogues d'éditeur (Adobe, Dell, HP…). Afin de publier des pilotes ou firmware pour votre matériels.

Official git repo :
Tutoriel Vidéo : PlayList de Francis Bonnamour


WAPT est un logiciel de déploiement son noyau est sous licence GPLv3.

Site Officiel :
Documentation :
Official git repo :

WSUS Offline

WSUS Offline Update est un logiciel de gestion des mises à jour destiné à certaines applications et systèmes d'exploitation de Microsoft. Contrairement au service WSUS de Microsoft, WSUS Offline Update permet d'enregistrer les mises à jour sur un média pour les distribuer vers différents postes d'un parc informatique hors-ligne (offline) au réseau Internet.
Site Officiel :


Ici, je vais positionné certains scripts que j'ai trouvé pour gagner de la place.

Function Invoke-WsusDeclineAllSuperSeded

Celui-ci utilise l'api Web de WSUS pour décliner l'ensemble des updates dites “Superseded”, il faudra ensuite lancer un nettoyage dans le serveur.

function Invoke-WsusDeclineAllSuperSeded {
        On Wsus, performs a find all updates with IsSuperseded with value True to Decline this update via web api.
        PS> Invoke-WsusDeclineAllSuperSeded
        Performs a find all updates with IsSuperseded with value True to Decline this update via local web api. 
        PS> Invoke-WsusDeclineAllSuperSeded -FQDN -portNumber 8531 -useSecureConnection $true      
        Performs a find all updates with IsSuperseded with value True to Decline this update via remove web api, use the port number 8531 and use secure connection.
        Set the fully qualified domain name like this : The FQDN uniquely distinguishes the device from any other hosts called myhost in other domains.
    .PARAMETER portNumber
        Set the communication port, by default this parameter is set on 8530.
    .PARAMETER useSecureConnection
        If your Wsus use a SSL certificate, please set this parameter to $true, by default this parameter is set on $false.

        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Set the fully qualified domain name like this : The FQDN uniquely distinguishes the device from any other hosts called myhost in other domains.')]
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'If your Wsus use a SSL certificate, please set this parameter to $true, by default this parameter is set on $false.')]
        [Boolean]$useSecureConnection = $false,
        [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Set the communication port, by default this parameter is set on 8530')]
        [Int32]$portNumber = 8530

    if (!$FQDN) {
        [String]$FQDN = $env:COMPUTERNAME + $(if (($null -eq $env:USERDNSDOMAIN) -eq $false) { '.' + $env:USERDNSDOMAIN })

    # Load .NET assembly
    [Int32]$count = 0
    # Connect to WSUS Server

    Try {
        $updateServer = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($FQDN, $useSecureConnection, $portNumber)
        write-output "Connected sucessfully"
    Catch {
        Write-Warning "An error occurred:"
        Write-Error $_

    $updateServer.GetUpdates($(New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope)) | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.IsSuperseded -eq 'True') {
            Write-Output ("Decline Update : $_.Title")
            $count = $count + 1
    Total Declined Updates: $count
    trap {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Error Occurred'
        Write-Warning -Message 'Exception Message: '
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
        Write-Error $_.Exception.StackTrace
# Please Set your settings here


Une version alternative que j'ai trouvé ici, il y a de bonne idée mais, j'ai préféré ne pas mettre en place, car il utilise les rsat de WSUS.

   Sample script to decline superseded updates from WSUS, and run WSUS cleanup if any changes are made  

   Declines updates from WSUS if update meets any of the following:
        - is superseded
        - is expired (as defined by Microsoft)
        - is for x86 or itanium operating systems
        - is for Windows XP
        - is a language pack
        - is for old versions of Internet Explorer (versions 7,8,9)
        - contains some country names for country specific updates not filtered by WSUS language filters.
        - is a beta update
        - is for an embedded operating system

    If an update is released for multiple operating systems, and one or more of the above criteria are met, the versions of the update that do not meet the above will not be declined by this script

   .\Invoke-DeclineUpdates -WSUSServer -WSUSPort 8530

# Last updated 13 July 2016
# Author 
Nick Eales, Microsoft

    [string]$WSUSServer = "Localhost", #default to localhost

Function Invoke-DeclineUpdates{
    write-host "Connecting to WSUS Server $WSUSServer and getting list of updates"
    $Wsus = Get-WSUSserver -Name $WSUSServer -PortNumber $WSUSPort
    if($Null -eq $WSUS){
        write-error "unable to contact WSUSServer $WSUSServer"
        $Updates = $wsus.GetUpdates()
        write-host "$(($Updates | Where-Object {$_.IsDeclined -eq $false} | Measure-Object).Count) Updates before cleanup"
        $updatesToDecline = $updates | Where-Object {$_.IsDeclined -eq $false -and (
        $_.IsSuperseded -eq $true -or   #remove superseded updates
        $_.PublicationState -eq "Expired" -or #remove updates that have been pulled by Microsoft
        $_.LegacyName -match "ia64" -or #remove updates for itanium computers (1/2)
        $_.LegacyName -match "x86" -or  #remove updates for 32-bit computers
        $_.LegacyName -match "XP" -or   #remove Windows XP updates (1/2)
        $_.producttitles -match "XP" -or #remove Windows XP updates (1/2)
        $_.Title -match "Itanium" -or   #remove updates for itanium computers (2/2)
        $_.Title -match "language\s" -or  #remove langauge packs
        $_.title -match "Internet Explorer 7" -or #remove updates for old versions of IE
        $_.title -match "Internet Explorer 8" -or 
        $_.title -match "Internet Explorer 9" -or 
        $_.title -match "Japanese" -or #some non-english updates are not filtered by WSUS language filtering
        $_.title -match "Korean" -or   
        $_.title -match "Taiwan" -or  
        $_.Title -match "Beta" -or     #Beta products and beta updates
        $_.title -match "Embedded"     #Embedded version of Windows
        write-host "$(($updatesToDecline | Measure-Object).Count) Updates to decline"
        $changemade = $false        
            write-host "ReportOnly was set to true, so not making any changes"
            $changemade = $true
            $updatesToDecline | ForEach-Object{$_.Decline()}

        #Decline updates released more then 3 months prior to the release of an included service pack
        # - service packs updates don't appear to contain the supersedance information.
        Foreach($SP in $($updates | Where-Object title -match "^Windows Server \d{4} .* Service Pack \d")){
            if(($SP.ProductTitles |Measure-Object ).count -eq 1){
                $updatesToDecline = $updates | Where-Object {$_.IsDeclined -eq $false -and $_.ProductTitles -contains $SP.ProductTitles -and $_.CreationDate -lt $SP.CreationDate.Addmonths(-3)}
                if($null -ne $updatesToDecline){
                    write-host "$(($updatesToDecline | Measure-Object).Count) Updates to decline (superseded by $($SP.Title))"
                    if(-not $reportonly){
                        $changemade = $true
                        $updatesToDecline | ForEach-Object{$_.Decline()}
        #if changes were made, run a WSUS cleanup to recover disk space
        if($changemade -eq $true -and $reportonly -eq $false){
            $Updates = $wsus.GetUpdates()
            write-host "$(($Updates | Where-Object {$_.IsDeclined -eq $false} | Measure-Object).Count) Updates remaining, running WSUS cleanup"
            Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -updateServer $WSUS -CleanupObsoleteComputers -CleanupUnneededContentFiles -CleanupObsoleteUpdates -CompressUpdates -DeclineExpiredUpdates -DeclineSupersededUpdates


Invoke-DeclineUpdates -WSUSServer $WSUSServer -WSUSPort $WSUSPort -reportonly:$reportonly

wsus/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/11 10:56 by admin