Pour utiliser ce script powershell, il faudra rajouter dans le paramètre le chemin du dossier à créer. Depuis Windows Powershell, il faudra executer le script avec le chemin.
Installer le service Windows Deployment sur votre serveur et utiliser le repertoire C:\WDS.
PS-WDSUTIL.ps1 -RemInst C:\WDSRetirer le service Windows Deployment sur votre serveur.
PS-WDSUTIL.ps1 -Remove
Le Script:
<# .SYNOPSIS Add or remove Windows Deployment Services for Windows Server. .DESCRIPTION Add or remove Windows Deployment Services for Windows Server. PS-WDSUTIL take string for define the folder use for initialize server. .PARAMETER Name .EXAMPLE PS-WDSUTIL.ps1 -RemInst C:\WDS Initialize Windows Deployment Service on server and use C:\WDS folder .EXAMPLE PS-WDSUTIL.ps1 -Remove Uninitialize Windows Deployment Service on server .NOTES Script Version 1.0 Tested on: Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2016 .LINK https://tdelacour.wordpress.com/ #> # Script Parameter param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$RemInst, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch]$Remove ) #--------------------------------------------------- #region ProductType # Get ProductType to define the type of the operating system Try { # Get information via Cim $OSQUERY = Get-CimInstance -Namespace ROOT/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem } Catch { # if Get-CimInstance not work, get information via Wmi $OSQUERY = Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT/cimv2 -Class Win32_OperatingSystem } # Detection if the script uses on a server if ($OSQUERY.ProductType -ne "3"){ Write-Output "This script, it's only for a Windows Server" Write-Output "This script don't be used on Domain Controler" Break } #endregion # Check if Windows Deployment Service already exists $WDSService = get-service -Name WDSServer #If the Windows Deployment service is on its way, we will ask you the question if we withdraw the service If(($($WDSService.Status) -eq $null -or $($WDSService.Status) -eq "Stopped") -eq $false){ Write-Output "Would do you remove WDS Service ? (Default is No)" $ReadHost = Read-Host " ( Y / N ) " Switch ( $ReadHost ) { Y {Write-Output "Yes, Remove WDS Service"; $RemoveWDS=$true} N {Write-Output "No, Keep WDS Service"; $RemoveWDS=$false} Default {Write-Output "Default, Keep WDS Service"; $RemoveWDS=$false} } if($RemoveWDS -eq $true){ wdsutil /verbose /Uninitialize-server } else { Write-output "Sorry, this script do nothing" Break } } #endregion # Remove the folder to use by the script, if it already exists, with prompt If((Test-Path $RemInst) -eq $true) { Write-Error "This folder already exist" Remove-Item -Path $RemInst -Force -Recurse -Confirm If((Test-Path $RemInst) -eq $true) { Write-Error "The folder is always present" Break } } #endregion #region WindowsFeature # Install Windows Feature wds-deployment Try { $ADDWDS = Install-WindowsFeature wds-deployment -IncludeManagementTools $ADDWDS.ExitCode.value__ } Catch { Write-Error $Error } If ($ADDWDS.ExitCode.value__ -eq "1003"){Write-Output "WDS Service is already install - No Change Needed"} #endregion #region CreateFolderReminst # Create Reminst folder New-Item -Path $RemInst -Force -ItemType directory #endregion #region InstallServic # Detect if you computer is on domain or workgroup via cim or wmi Try { # Get information via Cim # PartOfDomain (boolean Property) $PartOfDomain = Get-CimInstance -Namespace ROOT/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select PartOfDomain | ft -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders # WorkGroup (String Property) $WorkGroup = Get-CimInstance -Namespace ROOT/cimv2 -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | select Workgroup | ft -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders } Catch { # if Get-CimInstance not work, get information via Wmi # PartOfDomain (boolean Property) $PartOfDomain = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Namespace ROOT/cimv2) | select PartOfDomain | ft -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders # WorkGroup (String Property) $WorkGroup = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Namespace ROOT/cimv2) | select Workgroup | ft -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders } # Run WDSUTIL with the right settings, which depends on whether the server has on domain or not if (!$PartOfDomain) { Write-Output "Domain" WDSUTIL /Verbose /Progress /initialize-server /remInst:$RemInst } Else { if (!$WorkGroup) { Write-Output "Error Wmi\Cim filter" break } Else { Write-Output "Workgroup" WDSUTIL /Verbose /Progress /Initialize-Server /REMINST:$RemInst /Standalone } } #endregion